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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Hilli and Danny have a Boy!!
July 2005. Hilli Menes delivered a baby boy, 7 pounds 8 ounces on July 29, 2005 at 7pm. All is well with Hilli and the baby. Congratulations and all the best to the new parents - Danny and Hilli!
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Jeanette Dominguez has a boy!!!
Congrats to this year's chiefs for fellowship matc...
Sinai Represents at 2007 SAGES!!
John Byrn takes the podium at this year's ACS!!
David Eisenberg matches into Surgical Oncology at ...
Congrats on this Year's Awards Winners!!!
Donald Baril Matches!!
Graduation / End of the Year BBQ Potluck on May 27...
Maun, Byrn, Ozao present at New York Colorectal So...
Irene Turnbull, Drs M. Harris and S. Kini....all n...
Congrats to our new HOUSESTAFF!!!!
AOA for A Lipskar, PJ Torina, H Bazan .....Again!!
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Baril and Khaitov present at New York Surgical
Dipen Maun and Ateet Shah Match into Colorectal!!!
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Pippa Newell inducted into Gold Humanism Honor Soc...
Hilli and Danny have a Boy!!
Aaron Lipskar wins big for his presentation at the...
Posted Jul 2005. Welcome to all new interns and r...
Tax Benefits for Young Physicians
Dr. Ellozy to be new Medical Student Clerkship Dir...