Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ulka Sachdev M.D. (‘06) has been named the 2008 Wylie Scholar Award

Ulka Sachdev M.D. (‘06) has been named the 2008 Wylie Scholar Award from The Foundation of Accelerated Vascular Research. Thethree year grant was awarded to support her research in understanding the mechanisms that support blood vessel growth, and to develop new therapies for those who suffer from peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD effects almost 12 million Americans and can lead to amputation of the lower limbs. Ulka is currently an assistant professor of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. She is a graduate of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and completed her residency and Vascular Surgery Fellowship at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in 2006.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Edward Chan gets a teaching award!!!

Wow!!! Ed Chan has been selected to receive an award for Humanism and Excellence in Teaching from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation. He was nominated by the medical student class of 2009. Good job Ed.... thanks for being such a dedicated teacher!!! These awards will be distributed during Clinical Skills Week at the Student Clinician Ceremony on Monday, June 30, 2008. The ceremony will be held in Hatch Auditorium from 2:00-3:30pm.

Junko has a girl !!!

Congrats to Junko and Jason!!! With great joy, they welcomed Isabelle Ayako Choy into this world on July 1st, 2008. She was 8lbs. 6oz. and 21 inches long.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Parissa and Aaron make it big at Digestive Diseases Week !!!

Congrats to Parissa Tabrizian and Aaron Miller who both had presentations at Digestive Diseases week in San Diego this past May. Aaron had an oral presentation, "Ischemic Colitis Following Endovascular Aortoiliac Aneurysm Repair." Parissa had two posters: "The Clinical Significance of Adult Intussusception Found by Computed Tomography" and "Management and Treatment of Iliopsoas Abscess." Congrats to you both for such hard work over the past year.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chief's Dinner Awards!!!!

Chief's dinner this past thursday night was a sentimental tearjerker as usual. Our 6 graduating chief residents recounted their fond memories of the past several years and said thanks and goodbye to good friends and mentors. John Byrn took home the Dreiling research award undoubtedly due to his tremendous work presented at the American College of Surgeons meeting. Sergei Khaitov was awarded the Aufses Sr Award for overall outstanding performance. Shalini Aurora got the Aufses Jr. Mentor Prize ... she's been an inspiration to us all. Rachel Wellner received the Medical Student Teaching Award for her endless dedication to education. In addition, Brian Coakley was also recognized with the Junior Resident Student Teaching Award. Big Congrats to all .... you all have done an amazing job!!!!

Faculty Awards at the Chief's Dinner!!

Congrats to the faculty that were recognized at this years Chief's dinner for their tremendous dedication to Education and Mentorship!!! These attendings have spent their lives dedicated to the residency and have made many of us the best we could be!!! The Medical Student Teaching Award was given to Dr. Unsup Kim .... he's been a key reason why so many students have chosen surgery as a career over the past years. Dr. Han-yu Shen took home the Paradny Teaching award for a record FOURTH TIME !!! Wow!! ... a man so humble, but undoubtedly so dedicated to teaching!!!! And the Garlock Lifetime Service Award went to Dr. Julius Jacobson II, who was a preeminent pioneer in vascular surgery and microsurgery and was the Chief of Vascular Surgery here for almost 35 years.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Another successful showing at SAGES !!!

Mount Sinai had another huge presence at this year's SAGES annual meeting in Philadelphia. Alex Greenstein presented a video of Gastric banding after sleeve gastrectomy. Parissa Tabrizian had a Bariatric poster which was awarded a poster of distinction. The laparoscopy fellows had 2 videos presented over the video loop and an oral presention reviewing Dr. Salky's experience with over 300 resections for Crohn's disease. In addition, Dr. Salky received a lifetime achievement award !!! Wow!!!

Mount Sinai salutes women in medicine like our very own Linda Zhang!!

Last months Inside Mount Sinai Newsletter highlights Women in Medicine who have "helped humanity while blazing a trail." Linda Zhang was commended for her efforts and experiences in international health. She spent time before beginning her surgical residency in Southern Sudan with the International Rescue Committee training locals to administer basic treatments for malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea. Go Linda !!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Brian Coakley acknowledged for his dedication to teaching!!!

The Student Awards Committee of the School of Medicine has awarded Brian Coakley for the award for Outstanding Housestaff at the 2008 Student and Faculty Awards Ceremoney. "It is because of your selfless service to our students' education that we are thrilled to be able to honor you in this way. We consider it an enormous privilege to have you at our school, and this award is a testament to that." Wow!!! Brian .. you're the man !!!!!! The award ceremony will take place in Hatch Auditorium at 5PM on Thursday, April 2nd.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pippa inducted into AOA !!!

Huge congrats to Pippa Newell for being elected into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society this past week. Pippa has been dedicated to medical student education since the start of her residency and it's great that the medical school has officially recognized her committment. In addition to her educational achievements, she been immensely successful with her basic science research in hepatology, resulting in a national presentation at this past year's American College of Surgeons.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Rachel Matches at John Wayne Cancer Institute!!

Congrats to Rachel Wellner who matched recently for a Breast Oncology Fellowship in sunny California. She'll be at the John Wayne Cancer Institute in West LA.